Disputatio:Ludificatio Kalendarum Aprilium

Latest comment: abhinc 17 annos by Ioshus Rocchio in topic mandatum/mandatus

Pagina mensis


See Disputatio_Vicipaediae:Pagina_mensis#April_2007_-_April_fool.27s_or_Scacci_.3F.3F --Rolandus 13:23, 3 Martii 2007 (UTC)Reply

A few minor comments

  1. With all due respect for PONS, I'd kind of like to see this as Kalendarum. We can explain the cited name and our reasons for changing it (which as I see it are that we have an article Kalendae and we go on to use Kalendis Aprilibus a sentence later. This will distinguish immediately between kalends and calendar.
  2. That being said, I think the fact that it is a day for jokes is more important than the fact that it is on the kalends. More like: "Ludificatio Kalendarum Aprilium est dies iocorum cadens quotannis Kalendis Aprilibus."
  3. I wonder about the case of iocorum. Pro iocis maybe better? But then again I always worry far too much about genitives...

--Ioshus (disp) 14:39, 3 Martii 2007 (UTC)Reply



I'm not quite sure I understand your usage, Alex. Do you mean that people trick others with stories, and by giving them false directions?--Ioshus (disp) 17:06, 3 Martii 2007 (UTC)Reply

I wanted to say that people give wrong orders to others, like (silly example) "bring the letters!", but the post-man wasn't here yet. On the contrary, wrong stories is the business of the media. --Alex1011 17:15, 3 Martii 2007 (UTC)Reply
Ok. This is what I thought, but I was curious.--Ioshus (disp) 17:34, 3 Martii 2007 (UTC)Reply
Revertere ad "Ludificatio Kalendarum Aprilium".