Disputatio:Litaniae Sanctorum
Too much straight text?
recensereThis doesn't read like an encyclopaedia article to me, more like a collection of prayers. What do others think? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 19:45, 9 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
I will add
recenseresome more information about these prayer and according to the page of the Catholic Enclopedia in each part of the prayer an explanation about the structure of the litany. In any case I believe it could be useful also as a kind of "index" of the more important saints of the Catholic Church. The same page is also on de.wiki and catholic encyclopedia (cfr. nexus externus) as an article about "Litany of the Saints" described as the model of all other litanies, of great antiquity. An other possibility is to transfer the straight test to wikifons and to maintain here only the information about this important form of prayer.--Massimo Macconi 19:56, 9 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
- I think generous quotations from these prayers would be fine, so long as their history and other explanations are interspersed! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 21:19, 9 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
recenserePartem texti transtuli sub vicifonte, hic servavi solum partem primam a invocationibus Deum et Sanctis constituta et initia aliarum partium. Puto servatam partem de facto indicem praecipuorum sanctorum Ecclesiae Catholicae esse--Massimo Macconi 05:35, 10 Iunii 2007 (UTC)