Disputatio:Latino sine Flexione

Latest comment: abhinc 16 annos by Andrew Dalby in topic {{non latine}}

dicta juxta formulae mathematicae non est. Simplification dicti non juxta simplification formulae mathematicae est. In simplificatione mathematicae qua e uno parte decerpari, deberi decerpare e alii parte. "mater est femina bono." juxta formulae mathematicae "parens est bono."

In simplificatione linguisticae debere decerpare solum uno pars dicti, qua repitire gravitatem de uno.

Be carefull, this page has been vandalized. May an Admin rollback it? Maximillion Pegasus >Visne me scribĕre? 19:02, 15 Novembris 2006 (UTC)Reply
Is the 'AE' like English 'a' in 'apple'?KAMERONUS MAXIMUS 14:55, 24 Ianuarii 2007 (UTC)Reply
I think it is like in 'might' or 'hype'. --Alex1011 15:04, 24 Ianuarii 2007 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, I was confused because in many of the Scandinavian languages Æ is like the 'a' in 'apple'.KAMERONUS MAXIMUS 14:45, 29 Ianuarii 2007 (UTC)Reply
or ä in German. --Alex1011 14:48, 29 Ianuarii 2007 (UTC)Reply

{{non latine}}


I'm wondering if to use this template; the bottom part is not in Latin, but in latino sine flexione...--Xaverius 22:52, 8 Octobris 2007 (UTC)Reply

It is sort of obvious that it is not from the article, so I don't think it is necessary. --Rafaelgarcia 00:25, 9 Octobris 2007 (UTC)Reply
But since people don't, in fact, always read long articles all through, to have such a large extent of text in a different language seems confusing and inappropriate. I think we do need to look for some Vicificatio solution. Maybe to shorten the LsF text? Maybe to format it as a {{Citatio}}? I'm not sure. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 08:48, 9 Octobris 2007 (UTC)Reply
Well, I've applied a solution, good or bad. There were in fact two very long quotations. The longer one is available elsewhere on the Web so I have linked to that. The shorter quotation is unattributed so we don't know if it's a copyvio. I append it, and unless someone has a better idea (or gives an explicit reference with permission if necessary), I will delete it even from here in a few days. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 12:39, 24 Octobris 2008 (UTC)Reply

Possible copyvio


e.g. De Academia pro Interlingua:

Nostro Academia es libero ad omne opinione. Nos habe gustu differente, proveniente ab diversitate de patria, de studio, de occupatione. Si post studio et discussiones, socios non es concorde super ullo propositione, hoc significa que es quaestione de gustu, de que non es disputando; aut que quaestione non es satis maturo, et debe es translato ad tempore meliore. In omne casu es bene que deliberationes de Academia contine non solo idea de majoritate, sed et de minoritate sufficiente. Illos que vol lingua sine variantes, pote seque opinione de majoritate.

Ecce quale spiritu de tolerante reciproco respectu regna in Academia, in praeterito es hodie.

Homo vide que Academia limita suo deliberationes ad punctos super que opiniones de socios es concorde, que ceterum, es puncto fundamentale. Via optimo, ut perveni ad concordia etiam super alio punctos, consiste in libertate pro omne socio de adopta et experimenta in practica, quod illo reputa bono et utile ad redde lingua semper plus perfecto. In isto questiones plus quam discussione in theoria, es utile applicatione in practica, et prof. Peano repete saepe isto monito, et semper invita qui fac aliquo propositione, ut simil da exemplos ex quales resulta necessitate aut utilitate de propositione ipso.

Socios tracta de omne quaestione relativo ad lingua auxiliare – vocabulario, orthographia, grammatica – et discussiones, non obstante omne diversitate de opinione, es semper quale debe es omne discussione scientifico: id es, libero, sed sereno et elevato, cum spiritu de maximo tolerantia et de pleno reciproco respectu. Quale exemplo ad plure critico de hodie, que crede de adjuva systema que illos praefer cum offende alios.

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