Disputatio:Instrumentum musicum

Latest comment: abhinc 12 annos by IacobusAmor in topic Pointless listing

Non opportet hanc paginam nominari Instrumentum Musicale?

Concordo-- 14:29, 27 Novembris 2005 (UTC)Reply
Homines Aetatis Aureae cognitum nominis adiectivi musicalis, -e non habuerunt; adiectivum rectum est musicus, -a, -um. IacobusAmor 12:03, 26 Martii 2008 (UTC)Reply



The currently standard system of classifying instruments is that of von Hornbostel & Sachs (nearly a century old). Today I've put the "phones" in their correct order according to this system, but have left the definitions nearly unchanged, though they aren't entirely right. The rest of the article—the examples—is hence out of whack. I'll come back to it when I find time. IacobusAmor 22:45, 16 Februarii 2007 (UTC)Reply

Pandura v Pandurus


The Spanish Bandurria, according to the DRAE comes from pandurium, according to my dictionary (Spes Latino-Español Español-Latino) it is pandura and according to this page, it is also pandurus. I do not know really where to check this in the sources, but, which would be the correct form?--Xaverius 09:17, 16 Octobris 2007 (UTC)Reply

Verbum aequipollens Anglicum est bandore. Forma recta Latina pandura videtur. Ait OED: "The Romanic forms show much phonetic perversion: Sp. bandurria, bandola, Pg. bandurra, Fr. mandore, formerly mandole, It. mandola, pandora, pandura; all repr[esenting]. L. pandūra, pandūrium. . . . A musical instrument resembling a guitar or lute, with three, four, or six wire strings, used as a bass to the cittern." IacobusAmor 13:23, 16 Octobris 2007 (UTC)Reply
Optime. Gratias ago!--Xaverius 14:47, 16 Octobris 2007 (UTC)Reply

Ampla violina


Care, habes attestationes huius vocis? IacobusAmor 12:03, 26 Martii 2008 (UTC)Reply

Pointless listing


The list of musical instruments in the text of the article may initially have been intended to serve as a checklist to assist further work, but adding to the list now is a pointless exercise, much as it would be to list all plant species in a single article. The world offers us thousands of named musical instruments, and the listing-function properly belongs in categories, except perhaps at the lowest level of classification (for example, all the known kinds of concussed stones might profitably be listed in an article on lithophones). Also, care ‎, it would help to make footnotes showing your attestations of novelties like hiphopicus and such. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 18:51, 17 Septembris 2012 (UTC)Reply

Revertere ad "Instrumentum musicum".