Disputatio:Georgius W. Bush
Nomen praesidentis mutatus est. Nomines urbium Americae sunt conversi. Inde etiam nomen Britannicus "Walker". Index "Georgius V Boscus" non est mutatus impossibilitatis causa.
Ugh, this issue is getting worse with each change. Honestly, if I were the original author I would have just gone with Georgius W. Bush, as we usually do modern names. Of course I would also include Frutex and Dumus, since Latinists often call him that as a joke, much as he is sometimes called "Shrub" in English. --Iustinus 06:31 feb 5, 2005 (UTC)
- Nomine "George" in "Georgius" conversi est, sed nomine "Bush" in "Boscus" non conversi est. Et W non est littera latinae; est scribum "V". (Vinstonis Churchill, non "Winston Churchill"). 10:49, 15 Decembris 2006 (UTC)
- It's still "Walker" because it is a surname (Georgius Walker Bush filius Georgii Heriberti Walker Bush nepos Dorotheae Walker) and we don't translate surnames. —Myces Tiberinus 15:03, 15 Decembris 2006 (UTC)
- delenda est sententia " est stupidus valde". Etiamsi assentio cum hac opinione, manet tamen opinio. --Marc mage 22:52, 14 Februarii 2007 (UTC)
- Not that I am a fan of GWB but the sentence saying Many thinking he is the stuppidest president doesn't belong in an encyclopedia. Rather than floating such an abstraction without reference, I would rather expect an encyclopedia to detail his actions and let the reader then judge for himself if he is stupid presenting *why* some think he is stupid and *who* they are and also *why* some don't agree and *who* they are. --Rafaelgarcia 21:44, 9 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
This needs to be updated, it says that he is still president 21:05, 4 Februarii 2009 (UTC)
- has been done. --UV 00:25, 5 Februarii 2009 (UTC)