Disputatio:Georgius Ludovicus Leclerc de Buffon

Latest comment: abhinc 17 annos by Andrew Dalby

Leclerc or Leclerck what's it gonna be:? with "k" the page should be moved again, Hendricus 22:23, 14 Novembris 2007 (UTC)Reply

I took the k out because the English and French pages don't have it. The Encyclopaedia Britannica doesn't have it either. Are they all wrong? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 22:27, 14 Novembris 2007 (UTC)Reply

It was IacobusAmor who put it back in -- unintentionally, I think. Maybe it'll stay out now. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 22:39, 14 Novembris 2007 (UTC)Reply

I see that Andrew has changed my zoologia et mathematica vir eruditissimus to vir eruditissimus rebus zoologicis et mathematicis. I was following Cicero's word order in disciplina iuris civilis eruditissimus, but n'importe pas. The plurality of rebus zoologicis et mathematicis is perhaps more readily intelligible, and the new order seems fine. ¶ And yes, I wasn't intentionally sneaking the K back in! I've always seen the name without a K, I think. IacobusAmor 02:57, 15 Novembris 2007 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, Iacobe. Yes, you guessed exactly right. You were right to correct me about the ablative, but I felt the reader couldn't know that "zoologia et mathematica", in the position where you placed them, were ablative. If, like Cicero, we were declaiming the stuff, then the audience hears the long vowels and it's different! Or, of course, if we use diacritics ... Come back, Avite, all is forgiven. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 10:28, 15 Novembris 2007 (UTC)Reply
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