Disputatio:Declinatio Prima
Latest comment: abhinc 18 annos by Roland2 in topic Order of the cases
Credo dici " genus naturale" vice " genus naturalis" "dei masculini sunt" vice " dei masculina sunt "
Order of the cases
recensereNow the order is:
Nominativus Vocativus Accusativus Genitivus Dativus Ablativus Locativus
Shouldn't the cases be ordered by their alternative names?
Nominativus 1st case Vocativus 5th case Accusativus 4th case Genitivus 2nd case Dativus 3rd case Ablativus 6th case Locativus ???
Or are these alternative names not common?
--Roland2 18:24, 30 Aprilis 2006 (UTC)
- Whoah... Nah...they should be
Nominativus Genitivus Dativus Accusativus Ablativus Vocativus Locativus
- That is standard order for textbooks and is the order for the modern inflected languages I know. Russian, Greek, Romanian (though they only have nom, gen, acc), my german textbooks list it that way. Wheelock's lists it that way, Cambridge, Ecce Romani, Genny's, etc...--Ioshus Rocchio 02:24, 1 Maii 2006 (UTC)
- Also, no I do not think they should be listed by the number names.--Ioshus Rocchio 02:26, 1 Maii 2006 (UTC)
- Your suggestion is nearly the ordering I have in mind. I found these references ;-)
- (See http://www.google.at/search?q=ablativ+vokativ&hl=de&lr=&cr=countryAT&start=0&sa=N)
- http://www.sbg.ac.at/phl/Kurs%20A%2004-05/Formenlehre%203.htm
- http://www.univie.ac.at/latein/lerg/frames.htm##2=http://www.univie.ac.at/latein/gr/gb.htm
- http://members.telering.at/anreiter/deklination_kons.doc
- http://culturitalia.uibk.ac.at/hispanoteca/Lexikon%20der%20Linguistik/c/CASUS%20OBLIQUUS.htm
- http://members.telering.at/anreiter/deklination_aundo.doc
- http://www.bglerch.asn-ktn.ac.at/latein/latein_hilfe3.htm
- Some of these are academic ressources, however, I must confess that I have not listed the ressources which support other orderings ;-) I was searching in Google for Austrian pages and it seems that the order I have in mind is just used when the focus is on Latin. If someone is talking more general, other orderings are used, e. g. http://culturitalia.uibk.ac.at/hispanoteca/Lexikon%20der%20Linguistik/k/KASUS%20%20%20Caso.htm ("... rekonstruierten K. des Ideur.: Nominativ, Genitiv, Dativ, Akkusativ, Ablativ, Lokativ, Instrumental, Vokativ."). Another point: Most of my ressources are either at the high school level or are Latin courses at the university which are mandatory for some studies like medicine. These are not the ressources which advanced linguists would use, I think. --Roland2 07:07, 1 Maii 2006 (UTC)