Disputatio:Associatio Linguisticae Formalis Austronesicae
Nomen + nexus
recensereIt's said (in the first relevant web page that I could find) that this is an association of Austronesianists interested in formal linguistics. Latin names of organizations normally begin with a nominative noun such as "Societas, Associatio, Universitas" etc. We don't have a noun for Austronesianists, but, the way I've put it, "Austronesiensis" could agree with Associatio or Linguisticae or both and I think that's about as pellucid as the English name is.
If other web pages can be found, they should of course be added! I haven't searched beyond the English and French wiki pages, which don't help. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 09:10, 10 Aprilis 2020 (UTC)
recensereVel Austronesia ? Paene ab initio, exemplar usitatum non est -nesiensis, sed -nesius, -a, -um (adiectivis geographicis generalibusque datum) et -nesianus, -a, -um (linguis hodiernis datum) atque aliquando -nesicus, -a, -um (linguis parentalibus datum), Iustino Mucioque suadentibus. Similiter Melanesius, Micronesius, Polynesius. Lege de "Maorica ~ Maoriana?" in Disputatio:Lingua Maoriana et alibi. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 12:59, 10 Aprilis 2020 (UTC)
- Making that choice, one loses the ambiguity: -a gives "Austronesian Association", -ae gives "Austronesian linguistics". I think the truth is somewhere in between! But if you're sure, move again. No objection. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 13:07, 10 Aprilis 2020 (UTC)