Disputatio:Andreas Ševčenko

Latest comment: abhinc 16 annos by Alexander Gerashchenko in topic Nomen



Vocabulum Latinum Scevcenco enunciatur [skevkenko], sed credo in vocabulo Ucrainico Шевченко Latinum vocabulum Sevsenko vel Sevsenco inesse. IacobusAmor 18:45, 28 Aprilis 2008 (UTC)Reply

The transliteration remains weird. Where do the [k]'s come from? Why do you want us to pronounce Шевченко as [skevskenko]? IacobusAmor 16:35, 6 Maii 2008 (UTC)Reply

Possibile, nomen "Шевченко" (Ševčenko) translitterandum est sicut "Sevcenko" (i.e. translitteratio secundum ISO sine signis diacriticis) vel "Sevtsenko"/"Sevtsenco", sed certe non sicut "Scevcenko"/"Scevcenco". "Sc" potest esse translitteratio secundum ISO:1968 pro littera "щ" (Anglice sicut "sch" vel "shch" translitteratur) - "šč" sine signis diacriticis. -- Alexander Gerascenco 11:53, 7 Maii 2008 (UTC)Reply

Revertere ad "Andreas Ševčenko".