Cucumis melo
Cucumis melo (binomen a Linnaeo anno 1753 statutum), Latinitate classica melo, est species generis Cucumeris, cuius fructus usitate in tempore aestivo comeduntur.

Classis : Magnoliopsida
Ordo : Cucurbitales
Familia : Cucurbitaceae
Genus : Cucumis
Species : C. melo
Ordo : Cucurbitales
Familia : Cucurbitaceae
Genus : Cucumis
Species : C. melo
Cucumis melo
recensere- Fontes antiquiores
- 1592 : Prosper Alpinus, De plantis Aegypti ff. 44v-45v (de varietate Chate)
- Eruditio recentior
- A. C. Andrews, "Melons and watermelons in the classical period" in Osiris vol. 12 (1956) pp. 368-375
- Jules Janick, Harry S. Paris, "The Cucurbit Images (1515–1518) of the Villa Farnesina, Rome" in Annals of Botany vol. 97 (2006) pp. 165-176
- Jules Janick, Harry S. Paris, David C. Parrish, "The Cucurbits of Mediterranean Antiquity: Identification of Taxa from Ancient Images and Descriptions" in Annals of Botany vol. 100 (2007) pp. 1441-1457
- Harry S. Paris, Marie-Christine Daunay, Jules Janick, "The Cucurbitaceae and Solanaceae illustrated in medieval manuscripts known as the Tacuinum Sanitatis" in Annals of Botany vol. 103 (2009) pp. 1187–1205
- Harry S. Paris, Jules Janick, Marie-Christine Daunay, "Medieval herbal iconography and lexicography of Cucumis (cucumber and melon, Cucurbitaceae) in the Occident, 1300–1458" in Annals of Botany vol. 108 (2011) pp. 471–484
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