Clitzasthlan III, nomine nativo قلج أرسلان‎ Qilij Arslān, filius Suleimani II e familia Selgiukidarum, fuit post patrem sultanus Iconiensis ab anno 1204, sed mense Ragiebo (Februario vel Martio) 1205 patruus Caichosroës eum a sultanatu eiecit.

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Bibliographia recensere

  • Dimitri Korobeinikov, "A sultan in Constantinople: the feasts of Ghiyath al-Din Kay-Khusraw I" in Leslie Brubaker, Kalliroe Linardou, edd., Eat drink and be merry (Luke 12:19): food and wine in Byzantium (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007) pp. 93-108 ad pp. 104-105

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