Carolus Clement
oecologus, archaeobotanista
Carolus Clement, vulgo plenius Charles Roland Clement (die 4 Augusti 1950 Providentiae in insula Rhodensi natus) est biologus et oecologus. Manai in Brasilia versatur apud Institutum Nationale Inquisitionum Amazonensium.
Alumnus est universitatum Connecticutensis, Costaricensis, Havaiiensis: apud hanc, dissertationis gratia de specie Bactris gasipaes, gradum doctoris ascendit.
Scripta selecta
recensere- 1988 : "Domestication of the pejibaye palm (Bactris gasipaes): past and present" in M. J. Balick, ed., The palm: tree of life (Advances in Economic Botany, vol. 6, 1988) pp. 155-174
- 1999 : "1492 and the loss of Amazonian crop genetic resources. I. The relation between domestication and human population decline"; "II. Crop biogeography at contact" in Economic Botany vol. 53 (1999) pp. 188-216
- 2010 (cum Michelly de Cristo-Araújo aliisque) : "Origin and Domestication of Native Amazonian Crops" in Diversity vol. 2 (2010) pp. 72-106
- 2012 (cum Carolina Levis aliisque) : "Historical Human Footprint on Modern Tree Species Composition in the Purus-Madeira Interfluve, Central Amazonia" in PLoS One (20 Novembris 2012)
- 2014 (cum Ian K. Dawson aliisque) : "The management of tree genetic resources and the livelihoods of rural communities in the tropics: non-timber forest products, smallholder agroforestry practices and tree commodity crops" in Forest Ecology and Management vol. 333 (2014) pp. 9-21
- 2015 (cum William M. Denevan aliisque) : "The domestication of Amazonia before European conquest" in Proceedings of the Royal Society B (7 Augusti 2015)
- 2016 (cum aliis) : "Crop domestication in the upper Madeira River basin" in Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciencias Humanas (vol. 11) pp. 193-205
Nexus externi
recensere- "Curriculum Vitae"
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