Ordinances for the Household (1526)
(Redirectum de BL Harleian 642 (3))
Ordinances for the Household (ita in editione prima rubricata) sunt decreta a Thoma Wolseio domino cancellario anno 1526 enuntiata ad aulam regis Henrici VIII regulandam. Liber manu scriptus hodie in Archiva Nationalia Britannica servatur siglo E36/231; exstat exemplar in collectione Harleiana Bibliothecae Britannicae in volumine manu scripto quod sub siglo Harleian 642 iacet.
Textus Anglice saepe Eltham Ordinance nuncupatur quia regulae apud Eltham decretae sunt. Titulus originalis sic sonat: Articles devised by the King's Highness with the advice of his Councell fopr the establishment of good order and reformation of sundry errours and mis-uses in his most honourable Household and Chamber.
recensere- A Collection of Ordinances and Regulations for the Government of the Royal Household (Londinii:Societas Antiquariorum Londinensis, 1790) pp. 137-207 (Textus apud Google Books)
recensere- Geoffrey Elton, Studies in Tudor and Stuart Politics and Government: Tudor politics (Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press, 2003. ISBN 052153318X) p. 145 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- Diarmaid MacCulloch, The reign of Henry VIII: politics, policy, and piety (Londinii: Palgrave Macmillan, 1995. ISBN 0312129009) p. 17 et passim (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- Robert Tittler, Norman Leslie Jones, A companion to Tudor Britain (Wiley-Blackwell, 2004. ISBN 063123618X) pp. 32, 64-65 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- Alison Weir, Henry VIII: King and Court (Londinii: Pimlico, 2002. ISBN 0-7126-6451-3) pp. 258–261