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[[File:Space_elevator_structural_diagram--corrected_for_scale+CM+etc.svg|link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Space_elevator_structural_diagram--corrected_for_scale+CM+etc.svg|alt=Diagram of a space elevator. At the bottom of the tall diagram is the Earth as viewed from high above the North Pole. About six earth-radii above the Earth an arc is drawn with the same center as the Earth. The arc depicts the level of geosynchronous orbit. About twice as high as the arc and directly above the Earth's center, a counterweight is depicted by a small square. A line depicting the space elevator's cable connects the counterweight to the equator directly below it. The system's center of mass is described as above the level of geosynchronous orbit. The center of mass is shown roughly to be about a quarter of the way up from the geosynchronous arc to the counterweight. The bottom of the cable is indicated to be anchored at the equator. A climber is depicted by a small rounded square. The climber is shown climbing the cable about one third of the way from the ground to the arc. Another note indicates that the cable rotates along with the Earth's daily rotation, and remains vertical.|thumb|Elevatrum spatiale tamquam capulum quoddam aequatori fixum spatiumque exaequans percipitur. Aequipondium in parte summa sustinet centrum molis super orbitae geostaticae fastigium. Quod vim centrifugam producit satis sursum a Telluris rotatione, ad gravitatem omnino exaequandam, quo facto apulum tenet.]]
[[Fasciculus:Space_elevator_in_motion_viewed_from_above_north_pole.ogv|thumbtime=28|thumb|Elevatrum spatiale in motu cum Tellure rotatum, de polo septentrionali spectatum. [[Satelles]] qui libere volat praebetur in orbita geostatica post capulo.]]
[[Fasciculus:Space_elevator_structural_diagram--corrected_for_scale+CM+etc.svg|alt=Diagram of a space elevator. At the bottom of the tall diagram is the Earth as viewed from high above the North Pole. About six earth-radii above the Earth an arc is drawn with the same center as the Earth. The arc depicts the level of geosynchronous orbit. About twice as high as the arc and directly above the Earth's center, a counterweight is depicted by a small square. A line depicting the space elevator's cable connects the counterweight to the equator directly below it. The system's center of mass is described as above the level of geosynchronous orbit. The center of mass is shown roughly to be about a quarter of the way up from the geosynchronous arc to the counterweight. The bottom of the cable is indicated to be anchored at the equator. A climber is depicted by a small rounded square. The climber is shown climbing the cable about one third of the way from the ground to the arc. Another note indicates that the cable rotates along with the Earth's daily rotation, and remains vertical.|thumb]]
'''Elevatrum spatiale'''{{FD ref}} vel '''anabathrum spatiale'''{{dubsig}} est genus systematis vectorii a [[planeta]] in [[spatium]] tendentis, quod scientistae proposuere. Praecipuum eius componens est capulum quod tamquam [[ancora]] ad [[Superficies|superficiem]] deligatur ac in spatium extenditur. Ratio designata insuper efficere potuerit vehicula per capulum a superficie planetaria commeare, sicut in Tellure, immediate in orbitam, sine ingentium missilium usu. Elevatrum spatiale in Tellure innixum consistere potuerit ex capulo partim ex parte infima superficiei Telluris adnexo. partim ex parte summa in spatio super orbitam geostaticam fixo. [[Gravitas|Gravitatis]] vires aemulae, graviores in summa parte, et [[vis centrifuga]] externa, gravior in summa parte, capulum ipsum tenebunt. Fixo quidem capulo, ii qui enituntur iterum iterumque enitentur in spatium mediis mechanicis, onere in orbitam emisso. Ii qui reptant descendere quoque possunt ut reportentur onera in superficiem ab orbita.
Conceptum turris orbitam geostaticam assequentis primum in lucem edidit [[Constantinus Tsiolovsky]]. Proposuit enim [[Turris|turrim]] de Telluris superficie ad summam orbitam geostaticam orbitam assequentem. Sicut aliis in aedificiis, Tsiolkovskyiana structura sub vi compressionis fuerit, pondus eius desubter sustentans. Ex anno [[1959]], consilia ad talia elevatra construenda mere ad structuras tensiles concentrabantur, viribus centrifugis systematis pondere sustentatis. In conceptibus tensilibus, laqueus spatialis porrigitur ex massa larga (aequipondio) ultra orbitam geostationariam ad solum. Haec structura librat inter Tellurem illiusque aequipondium tamquam [[perpendiculum]]. Capuli crassitudo secundum tensionem ordinatur. Pars summa eius est in orbita geostationaria, pars ima autem in solo.