Quantum redactiones paginae "De nugis curialium" differant

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Hoc index ex editione M. R. James demptus est, orthographia verborum communium normatibus classicis reducta.
===Distinctio prima===
1: Assimilatio curiae regis ad [[infernum]]. 2: De inferno. 3: De [[Tantalus|Tantalo]]. 4: De [[Sisyphus|Sisipho]]. 5: De [[Ixion|Yxione]]. 6: De Ticio. 7: De filiabus [[Bel]]i. 8: De [[Cerberus|Cerbero]]. 9: De [[Charon|Caron]]. 10: De germinibus noctis. <!-- Courtiers and serfs (including a conversation with [[Ranulf de Glanvill]]) --> 11: De [[Herla]] rege. <!-- and the origins of the [[Wild Hunt]] --> 12: De rege [[Portugallia|Portingalensi]]. <!-- (probably [[Afonso I of Portugal|Afonso I]] or [[Sancho I of Portugal|Sancho I]]) who had his wife murdered --> 13: De [[Giscardus de Bello Loco|Gischardeo de Belo Ioco]] monacho Cluniacensi. 14: Item de quodam alio monacho Cluniacensi. 15: [[Obsidio Hierosolymorum (1187)|De captione]] [[Hierosolyma|Ierusalem]] per [[Saladinus|Saladinum]] principem paganorum. 16: De origine [[Carthusiani|Ordinis Carthusiensium]]. 17: De origine [[Grandimontenses|Ordinis Grandimontensium]]. <!-- by [[Saint Stephen of Muret]] --> 18: De origine [[Templarii|Ordinis Templariorum]]. <!-- [[Hughes de Payens|Hugues de Payens]] with anecdotes of their early years --> 19. Quiddam mirabile. 20: Item alius mirabile. 21: De filio Solidompni [[Cairus|Babiloniae]]. 22: De [[senex|sene Axasessi]]. 23: De origine [[Hospitalarii|Ordinis Hospitalarium]]. 24: De origine [[Cistercienses|Ordinis Cisterciensium]]. <!-- [[Stephen Harding]], [[Bernard of Clairvaux]] and [[Arnold of Brescia]] --> 25: Incidentia magistri [[Gualterus Map|Gauteri Mahap]] de monachis. 26: Itemn recapitulatio Grandimontensium. 27: De origine ordinis [[Gilbertus de Sempringham|Simplingham]]. 28: Item recapitulatio [[Ordo Carthusiensium|Carthusiensium]]. 29: De quadam secta hereticorum. 30. De quadam alia secta eorundem. <!-- The heretics called [[Arnoldist|Publicans]] and [[Patarines]]; this section includes a tale of devil-worship which illustrates the development of medieval ideas of witchcraft ([[Leo Ruickbie|Ruickbie]], 2004, p. 68) 31: De secta [[Valdenses|Valdesiorum]]. <!-- who had come to the [[Third Lateran Council]] at [[Rome]] in 1179 to petition [[Pope Alexander III]] for the right to preach --> 32:. De tribus heremitis mirabiliter penitentibus. <!-- Story told by Philip of Naples of a meeting in [[Montenegro]] with three hermits, a Frenchman, an Englishman and a Scot
===Distinctio secunda===
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# [[Henry I of England]] and [[Louis VI of France]]
# The death of [[William II of England]], ''regum pessimus'' ("the worst of kings"); [[Walter Map|Map]]'s first-hand account of the character of [[Henry II, King of England|King Henry II]]; and [[Walter Map|Map]]'s description of his own running dispute with Henry's illegitimate son [[Geoffrey, Archbishop of York|Geoffrey]]
# A satirical comparison of the court of [[Henry II, King of England|King Henry II]] with [[Hell]] (essentially a rough draft of the opening of ''Distinctio prima''). This concluding chapter begins with a citation of the words of [[Saint Augustine]]: "I am in the world and I speak of the world, but I do not know what the world is". -->
== Notae ==