Quantum redactiones paginae "Seditio" differant

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[[ImagoFasciculus:Grotepier TN.JPG|220px|thumb|Statua [[Petrus Gerlofs Donia|Petri Gerlofs Donia]], incluti hominis seditiosi et popularis viri fortissimi Frisiae]]
'''Seditio'''<!--N.B. "rebellio" is used only of conquered peoples. The text of the entire article at :en: is translated or hidden below.--> est repudiatio oboedientiae (Lalor 1884:632).<!-- It may, therefore, be seen as encompassing a range of [[behavior]]s from [[civil disobedience]] and mass [[nonviolent resistance]], to violent and organized attempts to destroy an established authority such as the government. Those who participate in rebellions are known as "rebels". A Rebel is distinguished from an outsider. An outsider is one who is excluded from a group whereas a rebel goes against it. Also, rebel's potential to overthrow the leadership is recognized and substantial, unless the rebellion is crushed, whereas an outsider has been marginalized and is considered to be degenerate.
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Most armed rebellions have not been against authority in general, but rather have sought to establish a new government in their place. For example, the [[Boxer Rebellion]] sought to implement a ''stronger'' government in China in place of the weak and divided government of the time. The [[Jacobite Rising]]s (called "Jacobite Rebellions" by the government) attempted to restore the deposed [[House of Stuart|Stuart]] kings to the thrones of [[England]] and [[Scotland]], rather than abolish the monarchy completely.-->
== Genera seditionis ==
<!--A limited rebellion is an insurrection,<ref>Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd edition, 1989. Insurrection: "The action of rising in arms or open resistance against established authority or governmental restraint; with pl., an instance of this, an armed rising, a revolt; an incipient or limited rebellion." </ref> and if the established government does not recognise the rebels as [[belligerent]]s then they are insurgents and the revolt is an [[insurgency]].<ref>Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd edition, 1989. Insurgent "One who rises in revolt against constituted authority; a rebel who is not recognized as a belligerent."</ref> In a larger conflict the rebels may be recognised as [[belligerent]]s without their government being recognised by the established government, in which case the conflict becomes a [[civil war]].<ref>Hall, Kermit L.''The Oxford Guide to United States Supreme Court Decisions'', Oxford University Press US, 2001. ISBN 01951392400-19-513924-0, 9780195139242 [http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=nO093wNz1PoC&pg=RA1-PA246&dq=insurrection+civil+war&lr=&as_brr=3 pp. 246,247] "In supporting Lincoln on this issue, the Supreme Court upheld his theory of the Civil War as an insurrection against the United States government that could be suppressed according to the rules of war. In this way the United States was able to fight the war as if it were an international war, without actually having to recognize the ''de jure'' existence of the Confederate government."</ref>-->
Nonnulli termini genera seditionis describunt.<!-- and they range from those with positive connotations to those with pejorative connotations.--> Exempla Anglice sunt<!--FIX THESE LATER-->:
* Demonstration (Manifestatio)
* Insurgence, insurgency (Rebellio)<!--Cassell's says "rebellio" is only for conquered peoples-->
* Mutiny (Subversio)<!--, carried out by military or security forces against their commanders-->
* Nonviolent resistance vel ''civil disobedience'' (Detrectatio pacifica aut inoboedientia civilis)<!--, which do not include violence or paramilitary force-->
* Rebellion (Seditio)
* Resistance movement (Conspiratio)<!--, carried out by [[freedom fighter]]s, often against an occupying foreign power-->
* Revolt (Rebellatio)<!--, a term that is sometimes used for a more localized rebellions rather than a general uprising-->
* Revolution (Rerum Eversio)<!--, carried out by radicals, usually meant to overthrow the current government-->
* Riot (Tumultus)
* Sabotage (Obstructio et insidia)
* Subversion (Occulta eversio)<!--Redmond--><!--, nonovert attempts at sabotaging a government, carried out by spies or other subversives-->
* Terrorism (Tromocratia)<!--, carried out by different kinds of political or religious extremists-->
* Uprising (Insurrectio)<!--, which is carried out by [[militant]]s-->
* Political or insurrectionary withdrawal or separation (Secessio)
* Separation, schism (Schisma)
* Shunning (Vitatio)
== Notae ==
== Bibliographia ==
* Lalor, John Joseph. [[1884]]. ''Cyclopædia of Political Science, Political Economy, and of the Political. . . .'' Rand, McNally
[[Categoria:Seditio| ]]
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