Paulus Rozin
Paulus, vulgo Paul Rozin (Novi Eboraci in urbe die 3 Augusti 1936 natus), psychologus, praesertim de responso animalium hominumque ad gustum alimentorum quaeritur.
Alumnus est universitatum Chicaginiensis ubi discipulus erat Roberti Maynard Hutchins, deinde Harvardianae, ubi Ioannem Mayer(en) audivit: hic anno 1961 doctoratu biologiae et psychologiae laureatus est. Professor meret apud universitatem Pennsylvaniensem.
"Paradoxum omnivororum" ille primus definivit, id est, quomodo praeferuntur cibi nutritivi eodemque tempore reiiciuntur cibi nocivi.[1] De explicatione "paradoxi Francici" cum Claudio Fischler(fr) operam dedit, partim Divione apud Institutum Scientiarum Gustatus et Alimentationis (Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l’Alimentation).[2] De fastidio longius profundiusque inquisivit,[3] etiam de contagione,[4] de appetitione(en).[5] "Hypothesin triadis CAD" (communitatis, autonomiae, divinitatis : contemptus, irae, fastidii) ille cum Ionatha Haidt evolvit.[6][7] De appetitione et reiectione capsicorum quaesivit.[8]
Se traditionem eruditam Claudii Bernard, Curtii Richter, Solomonis Asch sequi confitetur. Cum Claudio Fischler(fr), Davide Kritchevsky, Clark McCauley, Ionatha Haidt collaboravit. Inter discipulos eius enumerantur psychologi Iacobus McClelland(en), Morris Moscovitch, Normannus Adler, Ioannes Jonides(en).[9]
Scripta selecta
recensere- 1971 (cum J. Kalat) : "Specific hungers and poison avoidance as adaptive specializations of learning" in Psychological Review vol 78 (1971) pp. 459-486
- 1976 : "The selection of foods by rats, humans, and other animals" in J. Rosenblatt et al., edd., Advances in the study of behavior vol. 6 (Novi Eboraci: Academic Press) pp. 21-76
- 1977 : "The significance of learning mechanisms in food selection: some biology, psychology and sociology of science" in L. M. Barker, M. Best, M. Domjan, edd., Learning Mechanisms in Food Selection (Waco Texiae: Baylor University Press) pp. 557-589
- 1978 : "The use of characteristic flavorings in human culinary practice" in C. M. Apt, ed., Flavor: Its chemical, behavioral and commercial aspects (Boulder Coloratensium: Westview Press) pp. 101-128
- 1979 (cum Leslie Grass, Geoffrey Berk) : "Reversal of Innate Aversions: Attempts to Induce a Preference for Chili Peppers in Rats" in Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology vol. 93 pp. 1001-1014
- 1980 (cum A. E. Fallon) : "The psychological categorization of foods and non-foods: A preliminary taxonomy of food rejections" in Appetite vol. 1 pp. 193-201
- 1980 (cum Deborah Schiller) : "The nature and acquisition of a preference for chili pepper by humans" in Motivation and Emotion vol. 4 pp. 77–101
- 1982 (cum Lauri Ebert, Jonathan Schull) : "Some Like It Hot: a temporal analysis of hedonic responses to chili pepper" in Appetite vol. 3 pp. 13-22
- 1983 (cum K. Kennel) : "Acquired preferences for piquant foods by chimpanzees" in Appetite vol. 4 pp. 69-77
- 1983 (primo auctore A. E. Fallon) : "The psychological bases of food rejections by humans" in Ecology of Food and Nutrition vol. 13 pp. 15-26
- 1986 (cum Linda Millman et Carol Nemeroff) : "Operation of the laws of sympathetic magic in disgust and other domains" in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology vol. 50 (1986) pp. 703–712
- 1986 (cum aliis) : "The child’s conception of food: Differentiation of categories of rejected substances in the 1.4 to 5 year age range" in Appetite vol. 7 pp. 141-151
- 1989 (primo auctore Carol J. Nemeroff) : "“You are what you eat:” Applying the demand-free “impressions” technique to an unacknowledged belief" in Ethos. The Journal of Psychological Anthropology vol. 17 pp. 50-69 JSTOR
- 1989 (primo auctore R. Casey) : "Changing children’s food preferences: Parent opinions" in Appetite vol. 12 pp. 171-182
- 1990 : "Getting to like the burn of chili pepper: Biological, psychological and cultural perspectives" in B. G. Green, J. R. Mason, M. R. Kare, edd., Chemical senses, Volume 2: Irritation (Novi Eboraci: Marcel Dekker) pp. 231-269 pars 1 pars 2
- 1990 (cum C. J. Nemeroff) : "The laws of sympathetic magic: A psychological analysis of similarity and contagion" in J. Stigler, G. Herdt, R. A. Shweder, edd., Cultural Psychology: Essays on comparative human development (Cantabrigiae) pp. 205–232
- 1993 (cum Jonathan Haidt, Clark McCauley) : "Disgust" in M. Lewis, J. Haviland, edd., Handbook of Emotions (Novi Eboraci: Guilford) pp. 575–594; editionis tertiae, 2008, pp. 757-776
- 1993 (cum Jonathan Haidt [primo auctore], Clark McCauley) : "Individual Differences in Sensitivity to Disgust:A scale sampling seven domains of disgust elicitors" in Personality and Individual Differences vol. 16 (1993) pp. 701-713
- 1994 (cum Laura Lowery et R. Ebert) : "Varieties of disgust faces and the structure of disgust" in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology vol. 66 (1994) 870-881
- 1997 : "Why We Eat What We Eat, and Why We Worry about It" in Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences vol. 50 (1997) pp. 26-48 JSTOR
- 1998 (cum Morris Moscovitch aliisque) : "What causes humans to begin and end a meal? A role for memory for what has been eaten, as evidenced by a study of multiple meal eating in amnesic patients" in Psychological Science vol. 9 (1998) pp. 392-396
- 1999 (cum Jonathan Haidt aliisque) : "The CAD triad hypothesis: A mapping between three moral emotions (contempt, anger, disgust) and three moral codes (community, autonomy, divinity)" in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology vol. 76 pp. 574-586
- 1999 (cum Amy Wrzesniewski [primo auctore] et Clark McCauley) : "Odor and Affect: Individual Differences in the Impact of Odor on Liking for Places, Things and People" in Chemical Senses vol. 24 (1999) pp. 713–721
- 1999 (cum Claude Fischler aliisque) : "Attitudes to food and the role of food in life: Comparisons of Flemish Belgium, France, Japan and the United States" in Appetite vol. 33 pp. 163-180
- 1999 : "Food is fundamental, fun, frightening, and far-reaching" in Social Research vol. 66 pp. 9-30
- 2000 (cum Carol Nemeroff [primo auctore]) : "The makings of the magical mind: The nature and function of sympathetic magical thinking." In K. S. Rosengren, C. N. Johnson, P. L. Harris, edd., Imagining the impossible: Magical, scientific, and religious thinking in children (Novi Eboraci: Cambridge University Press, 2000) pp. 1–34 DOI 10.1017/CBO9780511571381.002
- 2003 (cum Claude Fischler aliisque) : "The Ecology of Eating: Smaller Portion Sizes in France than in the United States Help Explain the French Paradox" in Psychological Science vol. 14 (2003) pp. 450-454 JSTOR
- 2004 (cum Ahalya Hejmadi [primo auctore] et Michael Siegal) : "Once in Contact, Always in Contact: Contagious Essence and Conceptions of Purification in American and Hindu Indian Children" in Developmental Psychology vol 40 (2004) pp. 467–476
- 2006 (cum Michael Siegal) : "Vegemite as a Marker of National Identity" in Gastronomica vol. 3 (2003) pp. 63-67 JSTOR
- 2008 (cum Sharon Wolf) : "Attachment to land: The case of the land of Israel for American and Israeli Jews and the role of contagion" in Judgment and Decision Making vol. 3 (2008) pp. 325–333
- 2009 : "Learning to like chili peppers" in Richard A. Schweder, ed., The Child: an encyclopedic companion (Chicagine: University of Chicago Press, 2009) p. 370
- 2009 (primo auctore Julia M. Hormes) : "Perimenstrual chocolate craving. What happens after menopause?" in Appetite vol. 53 (2009) pp. 256–259
- 2010 (primo auctore Julia M. Hormes) : "Does “craving” carve nature at the joints? Absence of a synonym for craving in many languages" in Addictive Behaviors vol. 35 (2010) pp. 459–463
- 2011 (cum D. Gohar) : "The pleasures and memory of food and meals" in V. R. Preedy, R. R. Watson, C. R. Martin, edd., Handbook of Behavior, Food and Nutrition (Novi Eboraci: Springer) pp. 659-672
- 2011 (cum A. Remick, Claude Fischler) : "Broad themes of difference between French and Americans in attitudes to food and other life domains: Personal versus communal values, quantity versus quality, and comforts versus joys" in Frontiers in Cultural Psychology (Iulio 2011)
- 2011 (primo auctore Julia M. Hormes) : "The temporal dynamics of ambivalence: Changes in positive and negative affect in relation to consumption of an “emotionally charged” food" in Eating Behaviors vol. 12 (2011) pp. 219-221
- 2012 (cum aliis) : "Is meat male ? A Quantitative Multi-Method Framework to Establish Metaphoric Relationships" in Journal of Consumer Research vol. 39 pp. 629-643
- 2014 (cum aliis) : "Asymmetrical Social Mach Bands: Exaggeration of Social Identities on the More Esteemed Side of Group Borders" in Psychological Science (2014)
- 2015 (cum aliis, primo auctore Jane Kauer) : "Adult picky eating. Phenomenology, taste sensitivity, and psychological correlates" in Appetite vol. 90 (2015) pp. 219–228
- 2016 : "To Eat Or Not To Eat" (carmen parodicum)
- 2017 (cum aliis, primo auctore Gudrun Sproesser) : "The positive eating scale: relationship with objective health parameters and validity in Germany, the USA and India" in Psychology & Health (2017)
recensere- ↑ Martin Yeomans, "The role of learning in development of food preferences" in R. Shepherd, M. Raats, The Psychology of Food Choice (2006) pp. 93-112; Rozin et Kalat (1971); Rozin (1976); Rozin (1977)
- ↑ Nichols (1999); Rozin, Fischler et al. (1999); Rozin, Fischler et al. (2003)
- ↑ Nichols (1999); Rozin et al. (1993); Haidt et al. (1993); Rozin et al. (1994)
- ↑ Rozin et al. (1986); Nemeroff et Rozin (2000); Hejmadi et al. (2004)
- ↑ Hormes et Rozin (2009); Hormes et Rozin (2010)
- ↑ "The CAD Triad Hypothesis"; Rozin, Haidt et al. (1999)
- ↑ Anki Wikman, "Challenging the CAD-triad: the neglect of resentment" (2022)
- ↑ Rozin et Schiller (1980); Rozin et al. (1982); Rozin et Kennel (1983); Rozin (1990)
- ↑ Food for Thought (1997); "Photos"
recensere- "Food for Thought: Paul Rozin's Research and Teaching at Penn" in Penn Arts and Sciences (Autumno 1997)
- Peter Nichols, "Arbiter of Taste: Pychologist Paul Rozin, AB'56, studies what humans eat--and what divides yum from yuck" in University of Chicago Magazine vol. 91 no. 4 (1999)
- Eva Perasso, "Disgust? It’s All a Matter of Taste. Interview with Professor Paul Rozin" (2 Martii 2012) apud Fine Dining Lovers
Nexus externi
recensere- Vetus pagina propria apud universitatem Pennsylvaniensem; situs recentior ibidem
- Paul Rozin apud