Matthaeus Arnold
Matthaeus Arnold (natus Matthew Arnold in oppido Laleham-on-Thames Middelsexiae anno 1822; mortuus 1888) fuit poëta et scriptor Anglicus. Fuit filius Thomae Arnold, magistri Scholae Rugbeiensis. Sua opera sententiaeque magni momenti aevo Victoriano fuerunt.
Res apud Vicidata repertae:

Nativitas: 24 Decembris 1822; Laleham
Obitus: 15 Aprilis 1888; Liverpolium
Patria: Britanniarum Regnum
Obitus: 15 Aprilis 1888; Liverpolium
Patria: Britanniarum Regnum
Genitores: Thomas Arnold; Mary Penrose
Coniunx: Frances Lucy Wightman
Proles: Basil Arnold, Eleanore Mary Caroline Arnold, Thomas Arnold, Lucy Charlotte Arnold, Richard Penrose Arnold, Trevenen William Arnold
Coniunx: Frances Lucy Wightman
Proles: Basil Arnold, Eleanore Mary Caroline Arnold, Thomas Arnold, Lucy Charlotte Arnold, Richard Penrose Arnold, Trevenen William Arnold
Sepultura: Church of All Saints

Opera selecta
recensere- Carmina
- Commentationes
recensere- Arnoldi scripta
- G. W. E. Russell, ed., Letters of Matthew Arnold, 1849-88, 2 vols. (Londinii: Macmillan, 1895)
- H. F. Lowry, ed., The Letters of Matthew Arnold to Arthur Hugh Clough (Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1932)
- Kenneth Allott, ed., The Poems of Matthew Arnold (Londinii: Longman, 1965) ISBN 0-393-04377-0
- Robert H. Super, ed., The Complete Prose Works of Matthew Arnold (Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1960-1977)
- Miriam Allott and Robert H. Super, edd., The Oxford Authors: Matthew Arnold (Oxonii: Oxford University Press, 1986)
- Stefan Collini, ed., Culture and Anarchy and other writings (Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press, 1993)
- Cecil Y. Lang, ed., The Letters of Matthew Arnold. 6 voll. (Charlottesville: The University Press of Virginia, 1996-2001)
- Vitae
- Stefan Collini, Arnold (Oxonii: Oxford University Press, 1988)
- Ian Hamilton, A Gift Imprisoned: A Poetic Life of Matthew Arnold (Londinii: Bloomsbury, 1998)
- Park Honan, Matthew Arnold, a life (Novi Eboraci: McGraw-Hill, 1981) ISBN 0-07-029697-9
- Nicholas Murray, A Life of Matthew Arnold (Novi Eboraci: St. Martin's, 1996)
- Herbert W. Paul, Mathew Arnold (Londinii: Macmillan, 1902)
- George Saintsbury, Matthew Arnold (Novi Eboraci: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1899)
- G. W. E. Russell, Matthew Arnold (Novi Eboraci: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1904: apud Gutenberg)
- Lionel Trilling, Matthew Arnold (Novi Eboraci: Norton, 1939)
- De Matthaei Arnold operibus
- Ruth apRoberts, Arnold and God (Berkeleiae: University of California Press, 1983)
- Harold Bloom, ed., Modern Critical Views: Matthew Arnold, Novi Eboraci: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987
- Edmund Chambers, "Matthew Arnold" in English Critical Essays: Twentieth Century, Phyllis M. Jones, ed. (Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1933)
- W. F. Connell, The Educational Thought and Influence of Matthew Arnold (Londinii: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1950)
- A. Dwight Culler, "Imaginative Reason: The Poetry of Matthew Arnold" (Novo Portu: Yale University Press, 1966)
- Renzo D'Agnillo, The Poetry of Matthew Arnold (Romae: Aracne, 2005)
- David J. DeLaura, "Hebrew and Hellene in Victorian England: Newman, Arnold, and Pater" (Austin: University of Texas Pr, 1969)
- T. S. Eliot, "Matthew Arnold" in The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism (Cantabrigiae: Harvard University Press, 1933)
- Ian Hamilton, "These Are Damned Times: Matthew Arnold's renunciation of poetry and the tortuous history of his letters" in Times Literary Supplement (11 Iulii 1997) pp. 3-5
- Francesco Marroni, Miti e mondi vittoriani (Rome: Carocci, 2004)
- David G. Riede, Matthew Arnold and the Betrayal of Language (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1988)
- Donald Stone, Communications with the Future: Matthew Arnold in Dialogue (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1997)
- Chauncey Brewster Tinker, Howard Foster Lowry, The Poetry of Matthew Arnold: A Commentary (Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1940)
- George Watson, "Matthew Arnold" in The Literary Critics: A Study of English Descriptive Criticism (Baltimorae: Penguin Books, 1962)
- Bibliographica
- Thomas Burnett Smart, The Bibliography of Matthew Arnold (1892)
- Laurence W. Mazzeno, Matthew Arnold: The Critical Legacy (Woodbridge: Camden House, 1999)
Nexus externi
recensere- Opera apud Wikisource
- Opera apud Gutenberg
- Carmina apud Poetseers
- Epistulae apud University of Virginia Press
- De vita et operibus