Abū Bakr Aḥmad Ibn al-Waḥšīya (scriptura Arabica أبو بكر أحمد بن وحشية) fuit scriptor in lingua Arabica, Iraquiae oriundus ex oppido Qusayn prope Kufa sito, qui saeculis 9 et 10 floruit. Is se magum et alchemistam praetendit haeredemque sapientium Nabataeorum, multosque libros vel scripsit vel Arabice vertit, inter quos agriculturam quae Nabataeam dicitur


  • George O. S. Darby, "Ibn Wahshiya in Mediaeval Spanish Literature" in Isis vol. 33 (1941) pp. 433-438
  • Okasha El-Daly, Egyptology: the missing millennium. Londinii: UCL Press, 2005. ISBN 1-84472-063-2
  • Martin Levey, "Medieval Arabic Toxicology: The Book on Poisons of ibn Wahshīya and Its Relation to Early Indian and Greek Texts" in Transactions of the American Philosophical Society nova series vol. 56 no. 7 (1966) pp. 1-130