Fasciculus:The North American sylva; or, A description of the forest trees of the United States, Canada and Nova Scotia. Considered particularly with respect to their use in the arts and their introduction into (14778618571).jpg

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Identifier: northamericansyl04mich (find matches)
Title: The North American sylva; or, A description of the forest trees of the United States, Canada and Nova Scotia. Considered particularly with respect to their use in the arts and their introduction into commerce. To which is added a description of the most useful of the European forest trees ..
Year: 1865 (1860s)
Authors: Michaux, François André, 1770-1855. cn Nuttall, Thomas, 1786-1859. 1n Smith, J. Jay (John Jay), 1798-1881
Subjects: Trees
Publisher: Philadelphia, Rice, Rutter & co.
Contributing Library: University of Pittsburgh Library System
Digitizing Sponsor: University of Pittsburgh Library System

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would probably answer well for the tanning of leather: it is best known, however, for its efiect^ as a fish-poison, for which purpose it is pounded and mixed with the water in some deep part of a river or creek, when the water soon acquires a reddish shade, and in a few minutes the fish begin to rise to the surface, where they float, as if they were dead; the larger ones, however, recover, but the smaller fry are 182 J A M A I C A D 0 G W 0 0 D. destroyed. The tincture of the bark, indeed, is found to be an intense narcotic, and has been employed beneficially to relieve the pain produced by carious teeth. Jacquin observes that this quality of intoxicating fish is found in many other American plants. Tephrosia toxicaria of South America and T. piscatoria of India and the South Sea Islands, both plants of the same family with the present, likewise possess the faculty of intoxicating fish. PLATE LII. A branch of the natural size. a. The flowers and young jwds. b. Tic more j^erfeci j^od. ?i. Lm.
Text Appearing After Image:
Acacia latisiliqua Broad j>oddfA,4ca£iay .^^mvul alajye silifu^^. ACACIA. (Necker, Willd.) Natural Order, Leguminosa. Linnaian Classification, POLYGAMIA, MONCECIA. Flowers polygamous, perfect and staminiferous. — Calyx 4 to 5-toothed. Petals four to five, distinct, or united into a monopetalous, 4 to 5-cleft corolla. Stamens, from eight or ten to two hundred. Legume without interruptions between the seeds, dry, (without pulp,) and 1-valved. These are trees and shrubs principally of warm or mild climates, with or without stipular or scattered spines. The leaves are usually small and variously pinnated: sometimes (particularly in the New Holland species) the true leaves in the adult are abortive, and the simple leafy petioles, called phyllodes, alone supply their place. Flowers often yellow, more rarely white or red, disposed in spherical heads or in spikes. BROAD-PODDED ACACIA. Acacia latisiliqua. Iiiermis glabra, jyi^nis 5-jugis, foliolis 10-15-ji(gisellipticis obtusis, siipuUs bract

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Michaux, François André, 1770-1855. cn; Nuttall, Thomas, 1786-1859. 1n;

Smith, J. Jay (John Jay), 1798-1881
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