Astroblema Chicxulub
Crater seu potius astroblema Chicxulub, in borealibus Yucataniae partibus et sub aquis adiacentibus Caribicis detectum, impactu asteroidis qui abhinc 66 milies milium annorum in Tellurem incederit excavatum est. Causá huius impactus atque e natura geologica huius regionis, hydrocarboneis et sulphure repleta, fuliginis et sulphatorum nebulas densissimas in stratosphaeram proiectas esse constat: terrae motubus et inundationibus terminum Cretaceum Palaeogenicum geologicum provocatum esse; refrigeratione climatica exstinctiones dinosaurium aliarumque specierum plurimarum consecutas esse.
Portus oppidi Chicxulub ad oram maritimam medio astroblemate reperitur, qui portus intra limites urbis Progressus de Castro(es) iacet.
recensere- Alfio Alessandro Chiarenza et al., "Asteroid impact, not volcanism, caused the end-Cretaceous dinosaur extinction" in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (20 Iunii 2020)
- Robert A. DePalma et al., "Seasonal calibration of the end-cretaceous Chicxulub impact event" in Scientific Reports vol. 11 no. 23704 (8 Decembris 2021)
- Kunio Kaiho, Naga Oshima, "Site of asteroid impact changed the history of life on Earth: the low probability of mass extinction" in Scientific Reports vol. 7 no. 14855 (9 Novembris 2017)
- David A. Kring et al., "Chicxulub and the Exploration of Large Peak Ring Impact Craters through Scientific Drilling" in GSA Today vol. 27 (2017)
- David A. Kring, Alan R. Hildebrand, William V. Boynton, "The petrology of an Andesitic melt rock and a polymict breccia from the interior of the Chicxulub structure, Yucatan, Mexico" in Lunar and Planetary Science vol. 22 (1991) pp. 755–56
- Molly M. Range et al., "The Chicxulub Impact Produced a Powerful Global Tsunami" in AGU Advances vol 3 no. 5 (4 Octobris 2022)
- Peter Schulte et al., "The Chicxulub Asteroid Impact and Mass Extinction at the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary" in Science vol. 327 (2010) pp. 1214–18.
- Amir Siraj, Abraham Loeb, "Breakup of a long-period comet as the origin of the dinosaur extinction" in Scientific Reports vol. 11 no. 3803 (2021)
Nexus externi
recensere- "International Consensus — Link Between Asteroid Impact and Mass Extinction Is Rock Solid" (4 Martii 2010) apud Lunar and Planetary Institute
- Bob Yirka, "New analysis of Chicxulub asteroid suggests it may have struck in vulnerable spot" (10 Novembris 2017) apud
- "Chicxulub" apud Impact Structures of the World