Animi habitus
Animi motus[1] in psychologia est status animi motuum. Contra animi motus, sensus, et affectus, animi habitus sunt minus certi, minus acri, minus a singulari stimulo vel eventu provocati vel instantiati. Animi habitibus plerumque est valentia aut positiva aut negativa, ut homines animi habitus bonos animique habitus malos plerumque describunt.
Animi motus etiam a temperamento et proprietatibus personalitatis variat, rebus quae paulo longius persistunt. Nihilominus, proprietates personalitatis, sicut optimismus et neuroticismus, certa animi habitus genera indicant. Diutinae animi habitus perturbationes, sicut depressio clinica(en) et morbus bipolaris, morbi animorum habitus putantur. Animi motus est status internus, subiectivus, sed saepe ex statu corporis aliisque moribus colligi potest. "In animi habitum mitti possumus per eventum improvisum, a felicitate amici iterum visi ad iram proditionis a socio cognitae. Tantummodo animi habitum intrare possumus."[2][3]
Investigationes monstrant animi habitum rationem qua homines praeconia mercatoria percipiunt afficere posse.[4][5] Animi habitus praeterea cum genere interagit in datis ab emptoribus percipiendis.[5]
Socialis animi habitus
recensereNotio quae dicit socialem animi habitum esse "animi motum communiter partitum"[6][7] Roberto Prechter et eius theoriae socionomicae tribuitur,[8] quae notio plerumque in provincia oeconomicae adhibetur, praecipue de collocatione pecuniae. Mores turbae in sociologia, philosophia, et psychologia sunt formatio communis animi habitus ad rem petendam quae animos hominum ad se convertit.[9]
Nexus interni
recensere- ↑ John C. Traupman, Latin and English Dictionary, ed. tertia (Novi Eboraci: Bantam Books, 2007), 597, s.v. mood.
- ↑ Anglice "We can be sent into a mood by an unexpected event, from the happiness of seeing an old friend to the anger of discovering betrayal by a partner. We may also just fall into a mood."
- ↑ Schinnerer 2007.
- ↑ Martin, Brett A. S.; Lawson, Robert (1998). "Mood and Framing Effects in Advertising". Australasian Marketing Journal 2 (1): 35–50.
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Martin, Brett A. S. (2003). "The Influence of Gender on Mood Effects in Advertising". Psychology and Marketing 20 (3): 249–273.
- ↑ Anglice "collectively shared state of mind."
- ↑ Nofsinger 2005; Olson 2006.
- ↑ Prechter 2017a, 2017b.
- ↑ "Mood in collective behavior (psychology): Crowds," Britannica Online.
recensere- Andersen, Peter A., et Laura K. Guerrero, eds. 1998. Handbook of communication and emotion: research, theory, applications, and contexts. Didacopoli: Academic Press. ISBN 0120577704.
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- Burns, David D. 1989. The feeling good handbook: using the new mood therapy in everyday life. Novi Eboraci: W. Morrow. ISBN 0688017452.
- Ekman, P., R. W. Levenson, et W. V. Friesen. 1993. "Facial Expression and Emotion." American Psychologist, 384–91.
- Epstein, Lawrence J. 2008. "Sleep and Mood: Get Sleep."
- Kinder, Melvyn. 1995. Mastering your moods : recognizing your emotional style and making it work for you. Novi Eboraci: Simon & Schuster. ISBN 0671505637.
- Koester, Sierra. January 12, 2007. Weather Effects Mood. Yahoo Voices. April 30, 2012.
- Laurent, E., et P. Vandel, eds. 2016. De l'humeur normale à la dépression en psychologie cognitive, neurosciences et psychiatrie. Bruxellis: De Boeck Supérieur. ISBN 9782353273546.
- Léaud-Zachoval, Dominick. (2002) 2008. La naturopathie au quotidien (la théorie des humeurs en naturopathie). Quintessence. ISBN 2913281206.
- Lykins, A. D., E. Janssen, et C. A. Graham. 2006. "The Relationship Between Negative Mood and Sexuality In Heterosexual College Women and Men." Journal of Sex Research 43 (2): 136–43. doi:10.1080/00224490609552308. PMID 16817060.
- Martin, E. A., et J. G. Kerns. 2011. "The influence of positive mood on different aspects of cognitive control." Cognition and Emotion 25 (2): 265–79. doi:10.1080/02699931.2010.491652. PMC 3051364. PMID 21399720.
- Niedenthal, P. M.,et M. B. Setterlund. 1994. "Emotional congruence in perception." Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 20 (4): 401–11. doi:10.1177/0146167294204007.
- Nofsinger, J. R. 2005. "Social Mood and Financial Economics." Journal of Behavioural Finance 6.
- Olson, K. R. 2006. "A literature Review of Social Mood." Journal of Behavioral Finance, 7.
- Phelps, Jim. 2012. "Mood." Brain Tours, 30 Aprilis 2012. Editio interretialis.
- Post, Robert M., et James C. Ballenger, eds. 1984. Neurobiology of mood disorders. Baltimorae: Williams & Wilkins. ISBN 0683069497
- Prechter, Robert R. 2017a. Socionomic causality in politics: how social mood influences everything from elections to geopolitics. Gaainesville Georgiae: Socionomics Institute Press. ISBN 9781946597052, ISBN 1946597058
- Prechter, Robert R. 2017b. Socionomic studies of society and culture: how social mood shapes trends from film to fashion. Gainesville Georgiae: Socionomics Institute Press. ISBN 9781946597045, ISBN 194659704X.
- Rush, A. John. 1997. Mood disorders: systematic medication management. Basiliae et Novi Eboraci: Karger. ISBN 3805562233.
- Sucală, M. L., et A. Tătar. 2010. "Optimism, pessimism and negative mood regulation expectancies in cancer patients." Journal of Cognitive and *Behavioral Psychotherapies 10 (1): 13–24.
- Thayer, Robert E. 1989. The biopsychology of mood and arousal. Novi Eboraci: Oxford University Press.
- Wei, M., D. L. Vogel, T. Ku, et R. A. Zakalik. 2005. "Adult Attachment, Affect Regulation, Negative Mood, and Interpersonal Problems: The Mediating Roles of Emotional Reactivity and Emotional Cutoff." Journal of Counseling Psychology 52 (1): 14–24. CiteSeerX doi:10.1037/0022-0167.52.1.14.
- Ziegler, R. 2010. "Mood, source characteristics, and message processing: A mood-congruent expectancies approach." Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 46 (5): 743–52. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2010.04.014.
Nexus externi
recensere- Schinnerer, J. L. 2007. "Temperament, Mood and Emotion." Changing Minds.
- "Mood." Unabridged.
- "Seven Tips to Immediately Improve Your Mood.