Rangi (Maoriane Rangi) in mythologia Maoriana est caelum et primus pater, cuius uxor est Papa.

Rangi (dextra) et Papa arto in amplexu se amplectuntur.

Nexus interni

Nexus externi recensere

Fontes recensere

  • Bruce G. Biggs. 1966. "Maori Myths and Traditions." In Encyclopaedia of New Zealand, ed. A. H. McLintock, 2:447–454. 3 vol. Vellingtoniae: Government Printer.
  • George Grey. (1854) 1971. Nga Mahi a Nga Tupuna. Editio quarta. Vellingtoniae: Reed.
  • George Grey. (1956) 1976. Polynesian Mythology. Editio illustrata. Christchurch: Whitcombe and Tombs.
  • Margaret Orbell. 1998. The Concise Encyclopedia of Māori Myth and Legend. Chrustchurch: Canterbury University Press.
  • A. Smith. 1993. Songs and Stories of Taranaki from the Writings of Te Kahui Kararehe. Christchurch: MacMillan Brown Centre for Pacific Studies.
  • Edward R. Tregear. 1891. Maori-Polynesian Comparative Dictionary. Lambton Quay: Lyon et Blair.