Newport juxta Launceston (Cornubia)
Newport juxta Launceston
Newport juxta Launceston
Oppidi collocatio in comitatu Cornubia

Newport juxta Launceston fuit vicus comitatús Cornubiae ad occidentalem partem Angliae extremam iacentis, pars paroeciae St Stephens by Launceston, et usque ad annum 1832 burgus parlamentarius.

Notae recensere

Bibliographia recensere

  • "Newport" in Samuel Lewis, ed., A Topographical Dictionary of England (7a ed. 1848. ~)
  • "Launceston" in Daniel Lysons, Samuel Lysons, Cornwall: a general and parochial history of the county (Magna Britannia. 1814. ~)

Nexus externi recensere

  • "Newport" apud A Vision of Britain Through Time