On 'Chirurgia ratio' before moving to current 'Operatio chirurgica'


Jondel, what does this mean? --Ioscius 08:40, 13 Februarii 2010 (UTC)Reply

Ioscius, Surgical procedure. --Jondel 08:52, 13 Februarii 2010 (UTC)Reply
Well certainly you at least want chirurgica? Where did you find this term? I very much doubt anyone will be looking for this lemma who wouldn't just first think to look at chirurgia? I'm all for redirects, but only when they are useful (or at least grammatical...) I read this as "Surgery. A reason." --Ioscius 08:56, 13 Februarii 2010 (UTC)Reply
So 'Chirurgica ratio is ok? I'm thingking of creating an article on 'surgical procedure' in the future. I have a great small yellow dictionary (Largendheights? or something like that ) which has a single entry for 'procedure' which is 'ratio'. It doesn't come out in Whitakers though. In my Collins dictionary, 'Ratio has 'procedure', 'method','system','way'. Im sure the athirdway.com dictionary will show the same thing. The redirects are temporary until I or someone else will fill up the page as a wiki article.--Jondel 09:24, 13 Februarii 2010 (UTC)Reply
Yes, I too have a dictionary that suggests "ratio" for "procedure". But in a subject area that's unfamiliar to you, you can't just use a dictionary into Latin, you have to confirm your choice by looking at a dictionary from Latin. If you do that, you find that "ratio" has so many other meanings, ahead of "procedure", that no one will understand you if you use the word in that particular sense without explanation. Which is what happened here. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 13:28, 13 Februarii 2010 (UTC)Reply
I gotta go. Mihi profiscendum est. --Jondel 09:28, 13 Februarii 2010 (UTC)Reply
I would have thought that chirugica ratio would mean "surgical theory" or "surgical account". As to the correct term, rather than suggesting a translation, I would suggest looking this up, for it has to exist in some latin medical text.-- 10:10, 13 Februarii 2010 (UTC)Reply
'Opus chirurgicum'? 'Actus chirurgicus'?
I was thinking actus myself, too, But I concur with first anonymous that it must be in a dictionary somewhere. --Ioscius 11:24, 13 Februarii 2010 (UTC)Reply
My dictionary, aside from "ratio", suggests "actio". I think it possible that "Actio chirurgica" might work. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 13:28, 13 Februarii 2010 (UTC)Reply
Operatio chirurgica ! Google Books shows it to have been much more common than actio. Pantocrator 13:55, 13 Februarii 2010 (UTC)Reply
Nice one. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 15:17, 13 Februarii 2010 (UTC)Reply
Presumably a more classically formed phrase, as suggested by Ainsworth, would be medicina chirurgica, since medicina is the art or means of healing and the cure provided by the same. Or wouldn't ars chirurgica be apt? Ainsworth says operatio is 'a working' and a 'sacrificing, or celebrating, a holiday'. IacobusAmor 16:01, 13 Februarii 2010 (UTC)Reply
Those are fine as meaning surgical art or surgical medicine. However,they don't mean the same thing as "operatio chirugica"="medical procedure" which might or might not be done with a medical end in mind; e.g. as a page on "permutatio sexus" would imply..-- 16:18, 13 Februarii 2010 (UTC)Reply

By the work of the Holy Spirit and your grace of all your participation and divine inspiration of Pancrator I think the effect/result is Operatio chirurgica  ! Nice (two )  :) --Jondel 23:28, 13 Februarii 2010 (UTC)Reply

Revertere ad "Operatio chirurgica".