
Latest comment: abhinc 6 annos by in topic name and reference

name and reference recensere

The reference Acta Apostolicae Sedis (1956) has:

  • p. 114: "Vicariatum denique de Rabat ad archidioecesis dignitatem, Vicariatum vero Ghardaiensem in Sahara ad dioecesis ordinem perducimus, ac Praefecturam denique de Gibuti dioecesim pariter creamus:"
  • p. 889 (in "Index nominum dioecesium vicariatuum, etc."): "Gibuti, 114."
  • p. 903: "dioeceses effectae : de Bouaché, de Sokodé, Arcis Lamy, da Morondava, de Gibuti, 114"

A genitive Gibuti doesn't seem to make sense on p. 114 as there is "de" requiring an ablative and besides "Gibuti" just the accusative "dioecesim". Even if it would be a genitive, it could belong to *Gibutus (-i, m. or f.), *Gibutum (-i, n.), *Gibuti (indecl.). Gibutum might then be more likely especially by the time but would be a conjecture, a guess. However, with p. 889 and 903 it seems like the text uses an indeclinable Gibuti similar to an English and French Djibouti, Italian Gibuti, German Dschibuti etc.
By the way, this Latinitas has "Gibuti [Italian] Dijbouti [French/English] Dschibouti [German] | Dzibuti, n. Non inclinatur in casus. Sic urbs princeps Territorii Gallici Afarensium et Iassanorum appellatur." - 10:34, 7 Iunii 2017 (UTC)Reply

Yes, I wondered if "Gibuti" is indeclinable in the AAS volume. It may must be so. "Dzi-" in any case is not wrong. The fact seems to be that no Latin name is really well supported, either for the country or for the city. Thanks for making me look again at this! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:06, 7 Iunii 2017 (UTC)Reply
Perhaps one of the modern Latin radiophonic sites (Bremen & Finland) mentions it. Is there a way of searching their texts? Google may not be able to do it. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 14:10, 7 Iunii 2017 (UTC)Reply
Meanwhile I found a further instance of Gibuti (indecl.) in Latin text, so I'll move the page. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:27, 7 Iunii 2017 (UTC)Reply
@IacobusAmor: www.radiobremen.de/nordwestradio/latein/index.html (some weeks ago: www.radiobremen.de/nachrichten/latein/index.html) has "Suche" (= Search) at the top, and yle.fi/aihe/artikkeli/2013/05/24/nuntii-latini has a search symbol at the top and haku.yle.fi/?q= . Both searches do not support * (e.g. civitat* for finding civitatis, civitatem etc.), and don't have any results for Gibuti, Gibutum, Gibuto, Dzibuti, Dzibutum, Dzibuto, Djibuti, Djibutum, Djibuto. - 05:20, 13 Iunii 2017 (UTC)Reply
Revertere ad "Gibuti".